On Sunday 18th April, churches across Telford & Wrekin will begin a ten-week journey called #doyouknowhimtelford?
During the ten-week period concluding at the end of June, there are many initiatives that people in the area will take part in, and Engage Schools & Catalyst Youth Trust are providing resources for schools and young people through partnerships with groups like Welliart.
One of those resources is a lesson with Editor of RE Today, Lat Blaylock. In the weeks leading up to Easter 2021, local schools sent in questions which we put to Lat. Once the interview was over we split the interview into two and now we’re thrilled to give you access to them for free.
If you require a version you can show offline, please email: admin@catalystyouthtrust.co.uk and we’ll mailbigfile them to you asap.
The primary school lesson is intended for use with KS2, and the secondary school lesson is aimed at KS3.